We’ve uploaded a short video showcasing the on-board view from the AtlantikSolar prototype aircraft, as seen during AtlantikSolar’s fifth flight test event on July 2nd. The four flights performed during that day verified the aircraft’s power characteristics and the aircraft state estimator which is necessary for autonomous flight. Have a look at the video here !
Impressions from test flight #3
This gallery contains 7 photos.
Test flight #3 (which was also the first test flight of AtlantikSolar prototype revision #2) was performed successfully on March 22nd near Tuggen, Switzerland. It was the first test of a set to determine the exact power requirements of the … Continue reading
Prototype revision #2 has arrived
This gallery contains 3 photos.
The new version of the AtlantikSolar prototype (revision #2) has arrived at ETH Zurich! Compared to the first revision, the fuselage has been improved aerodynamically and structurally, mostly to facilitate integration of the autopilot & communication system hardware. In addition, … Continue reading
Project brochure available!
The AtlantikSolar project brochure is now available for download. It contains a wealth of background information about the project and the team. Contact us to receive your personal printed version of the brochure or to get additional information and how to participate. Continue reading
Test Flight #001 successful!
Atlantik-Solar prototype test flight #001, which was performed on November 14th 2012 at Pfäffikon, CH, has been completed successfully! The test was performed to determine the general aerodynamic and structural characteristics of the airplane, e.g. the aerodynamic stability as well as the behaviour during take-off and landing. The behaviour of the aircraft was excellent throughout the whole test, with smooth gliding properties and good controllability! In this first test flight, the aircraft was steered via manual RC-control for the whole flight duration.
Test flight #001 marks a significant milestone in the project. Its successful completion verifies the overall aircraft design and enables us to shift the team’s focus on the design of the autonomous flight system and the solar-electric power system. In addition, preparations for the small-series production of the Atlantic-crossing aircrafts will be started soon.
Welcome to the AtlantikSolar blog!
Atlantik-Solar is a novel kind of Solar-UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) with the goal to demonstrate the very first fully solar powered and autonomous crossing of the Atlantic Ocean in summer 2014. Due to the ultra long flight endurance of Solar-UAVs demonstrated during the atlantic crossing, future applications lie in search and rescue support, meteorological observations or surveillance operations. The Atlantik-Solar UAV is developed by the Autonomous Systems Lab of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) in cooperation with industry partners.
In the upcoming months, we will use this blog to keep you updated about major steps towards the Atlantic crossing in Summer 2014.This will include insights into the development and production of our UAVs as well as results of the flight test programme. Some technical background information on solar-powered autonomously flying aerial vehicles (or SUAV for short) will be added to the about section soon.
The Atlantik-Solar Team